linbar california

Friday, December 10, 2010


It seams our Gay ( hate this perversion of words) & Lesbian Community is still at it! This time with the Military establishment. I wish this group of people would at least admit what their true goal is; To establish a special class of individual, with an additional set of rights exceeding every other citizen in this Country.

Every Homosexual person is given the exact same right as every other Citizen of this Great Country. No More / No Less !!! Every female has the right to mary a male & every male has the right to mary a female Homo-sapien. Their goal to create a different legal class of citizen " The Homosexual Citizen". That being said!!

Why do we not recognize the Amish or Mormons as a special legal class of citizen already? They are certainly outside of mainstream American policy, just as the homosexual community is! The absolute reason is; there is no justification to do so; just as there is no reason to do so with the homosexual community.

It makes no difference whether a homosexual wants to mary a person of the opposite sex or not "THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO!!" just as every other citizen does. That they do not wish to; is a personal decision. Again this is just another attempt to establish special privileged status for a very small segment of our society.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

California Politics

Well It looks like just a few days before Tuesdays elections It appears We will once again re-elect Jerry Brown & Babs Boxer as Governor & Senator. As has been said many times before we get the government we deserve!

California has to be the most Progressive, Liberal & Bankrupt Headed, State in the Union. I say bankrupt because only creative accounting methods have kept the state out of bankruptcy court so far. The day of reckoning will soon be upon us in California.

Our Legislators in Sacramento (the State Capital) are so abysmally dysfunctional; long term nothing else is possible beyond bankruptcy. The tax base is totally overtaxed already. As businesses are driven out of state elsewhere, jobs go, taxes go away ! enviably we shall become wards of the Federal Government.

Monday, October 18, 2010


The American Public have a serious problem as I see it.

We have the Washington D.C Elitist generally known as the United States Federal Government & Bureaucrats Vs the rest of us who pay the bills known as taxes.

Whether called a Democrat, Republican or any other Political Party, I'm refering to what in modern times is a Career Politician. These individuals have one purpose only; that is to be reelected to office, while furthering their power, influence, position, at the expense of all other things. Are there a few honest people in D. C. , undoubtedly! The question becomes at what point do they also become corrupted by the system? You can virtually be certain that at some point it happens ! It's absolutely certain by the 3rd or 4th term in office It's happened.

What can be done to correct this problem; several things which will take some diligence by the American Citizens to take corrective actions.

A) Vote Incumbents out of office before they become entrenched, Senator Edward Kennedy comes to mind!

B) Carefully review each Candidates qualifications & Voting Track Record. No Politician can get to the National level with out some record to review. even in private business a track record of their actions is there to see, select wisely.

C) Stay vigilant, corruption creeps slowly, is ever present. My personal preference is to elect fisically conservative Candidates to office. This does not mean necessarily the Republican or Libertarian ; though this is generally true

D) We really need to begin these changes starting this November 2nd..

E) Long term corrections are needed; Limit the term of office throughout Government, change term lengths if appropriate, Change our government doing as they wish instead of what we wish.
The recent bailouts , Auto, Banking, Health Care to name just a few. To borrow from Oboma ; "change we can believe in " "yes we can" return this Government to true reprensation of We The People.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Political parties?

We here in America actually have only one major political Party, It's known as the Political Elitist who are already elected in the Federal Government & reside in Washington DC. There are two factions in this Party described as Democrats & Republicans. To be fair there are several minor political parties such as the American Independent, the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the Libertarian Party, to to name the most widely known other political parties. The election process Favors the 1st two Political Factions. All the other Parties are really just window dressing.

When we study how the supposedly Parties of opposition operate, we find that the end result of their actions result in the very same thing, more government control over all Citizens daily activities. Makes no difference Democrat or Republican the end result is the same " All Citizens become more indentured to the federal Government".

We are loosing more freedom, independence & the ability to conduct every day activities without Government interference daily. There is hope in the upcoming November elections that Several outsiders do get elected & will faithfully represent their Constituencies.

Can we as a Nation rein in the Elitist DC crowd , Yes we can! can we do it in total in one election NO! But November is the starting point.

Remember Incumbent is a Dirty word,

Vote the rascals Out, start over with New Members of Congress & only allow them one to two Terms of Office!!
Remember to be a member in the Government , Local, State or Federal is a "Civic Duty" Not a Career Position as defined in the Constitution!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tea Party

Much is being published these days concerning the the Tea Party movement. Most releases treat the movement as a unified cohesive political organization. Nothing could be farther from the truth! This movement is a coalition of various individual interest politically. their are many different Tea party organizations who are collectively attempting to bring about a major change in how our government operates.

One common theme in the various groups is: stop expanding the size & power of the Federal Government. Force the US Government to function within the guide lines of the constitution & Bill of Rights. Local government is best, not Federal Oversight & interference.

Services not specifically defined by the Constitution , such as Electrical distribution, Hi-way Systems and various other Modern Infrastructure Systems which had not been invented when the Constitution was Written, should perhaps be provide by the Federal Government & addressed in the Bill of Rights as a new defined Right.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Poor President Obama

Poor guy he is incapable of explaining the wonderful Health care package in a way us stupid Citizens can understand & accept. Could it be we believe it is just another example of his Marxist Ideology, which no rational American wants? The health care Package is a dud period.

Hey Obama! A package we just might accept is the same you elitist in Government have! Present a package that includes every Senator, Congressman, All staff members & all Federal workers MUST have also! You might have a chance of getting it through with the American Citizens approval. Please quit sending garbage proposals to us, hoping we might just be stupid enough to accept. Garbage is just garbage "no matter how you sugar coat it".