Thursday, March 20, 2008

Presidential Choices

It would appear we are going to elect one of three candidates for President of the United States of America. All three are somewhat alike but uniquely different. Two are democrats, or is this a correct assumption? The following is my assessment.

Senator Obama; He is a Democrat who happens to be black. Over the last several days he has faced a crisis in his candidacy for president, namely the Reverend Jeremiah Wright; his philosophy and comments for the last 20 years or so, and more importantly what's the Reverends influence on Senator Obama. The Senator has slid by during this primary race using very creative & tremendous oratory talent with virtually zero substance being presented. We as a voting public know very little about His philosophy. What change does he envision for America and how does He plan to implement these changes? Remember He has very limited Government experience. We will know shortly whether he becomes the Democrats Nominee for President or not.

Senator Clinton; She is a Democrat who happens to be the only Woman Candidate. We the voting public pretty well know where and what She stands for. I find it very interesting of her claims to vast experience on how to manage the executive office. My wife accompanied me on several business meetings in distant Cities & Countries prior to my Retirement. Can we extrapolate She has great business acumen based on these trips? I think not! Her presence on these trips neither added nor took away from the business at hand. More importantly we have observed first hand Her management acumen during Bill Clinton's first Presidential Term. Do you remember the universal health care package management? I do & I wasn't impressed.

Senator McCain; He is a Republican? Well he has at least won the nomination of the Republican Party for President of the United States of America. If one reviews the Senators public record, most would question his Republican credentials! He likes to be described as a maverick Politically, which should be examined carefully. What does that label mean to Him? How does he vote on critical issues, Amnesty for example; He co-sponsored the amnesty bill with Sen. Kennedy! Yes! I have heard HIS Recent statements about his past record & recently changed positions; this coming from a Person who wants to be elected as President. I have heard reference to his legendary temper & vindictiveness towards those who have had the audacity to oppose His wishes. That my friends is any one who considers themselves a Conservative. We have also heard claims to His superior military management experience. I gratefully thank Senator McCain for his sacrifices and military service to our Nation & do not wish to denigrate it. However;That being said, was actually as a fighter plane pilot. This does not require any Strategic planing what so ever, so much for being better prepared to be commander in chief.

Of the three Liberal Candidates, there is little to choose from! I am gravely unhappy with all of them. Presumably McCain would be fiscally more conservative than either of the True Democrats Candidates with their Tax & Spend Philosophy. You could hope for better Supreme Court nominees from McCain than either Obama 0r Clinton. As for any of them being better prepared to be Commander in Chief on day one are greatly exaggerated! The choice remains Yours, My only request of you is to vote your intellect & not by the eloquence of the speaker presenting their cause.