Monday, April 21, 2008

Border Fencing & Illegal Immigration

My last post was just for fun; not on important issues facing us in the next several months. Today's post is on an important subject I've not addressed recently. Illegal Immigration!! We as a Nation are again working on the Border Fence between us & Mexico to deter Illegal Migration here. I believe this fence will do little more than employee several hundred workers at present. My reasoning is as follows.

This fence most likely slow down the influx of humanity to this Country somewhat! The fence by it's self will not stop this migration. Why, you might ask? IF for no other reason, We have not stopped why they are migrating here; Employment. The fence only increases the difficulty of coming here. Other measures are required along with the fence to stop it.

As a Nation our Government must enforce our laws especially ones that include Immigration; The Government is not doing the job in this area; they apparently are not concerned by this influx of Illegal Migrants. Some potential steps towards solving this crisis.

First make it economically not cost effective for employers to hire illegal persons; this current is not the case.

Second stop the financial drain on every legal citizen of this country by not allowing the free medical, school, and welfare services available to all who apply. This is costing every legal citizen, Naturalized & Native Born, Billions of dollars every year which could be put to use instead for legitimate social services.

This! bye the way will not require an additional influx of new Laws & Regulations. Will it require revisiting & updating current laws & Reg's, it certainly shall. Our Government isn't going to begin this task without our forcing the issue.

The first step should be accomplished by substantial 1st. time fines, increased with each repeat offense. Repeat offenders should be prison candidates, whether individuals or corporate officers. It shouldn't take long for the jobs these individuals are migrating here for to dry up & be filled by true citizens.

Many readers will think this is harsh, maybe so; but the alternative is National Bankruptcy, which I do believe most would like even less.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Time - Hooray!

Wow, It's been about two weeks since my last post. It's been quite cold here on the high deserts of California. I haven't had much time for computer things like Blogging, too many honey-do things going on & I'm tired of the FAB Three Presidential Hopefuls Blather. Lina my wife & I are preparing for several trips away from home this spring & summer. Looks like it should be fun.

Trip #1 - A short trip about 3 to 4 Days over to the Ocean somewhere between Ventura and Santa Barbabra, which is about 2 hours away. We will use this trip to remember how to travel in our RV.

Trip #2 - Up to northern California to our Granddaughter's wedding in May. WE will be close to Shasta Lake & plan on spending several Days fishing & relaxing, before we head over to Priest River, Idaho to visit friends & yeah more fishing. From there we will return home through Northern Nevada, visit with a daughter & her family before heading home through Las Vegas.

Trip #3 Yet to be determined! certainly hope it will be fun also, perhaps a group trip with good Friends.

I'm relaxed now this post certainly was easier & more pleasant to post, than the last several post centered around many important things occurring in Our Great Country. My
only conserns at present are centered around weather We as a Nation can begin returning to more conservative positions.