Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sara Palin for 2012

Good morning everyone; I have just been accepted on "Palin 2012" on Hillbilly White White trash's Blog Roll supporting Sara Palin as President in 2012. Thank You Mr. Calhoun.

Sara Palin was a breath of fresh air during the last Presidential election, She was the only reason I voted Republican this time. There is no way I would have supported John McCain as president without her on the ticket. John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and all other so called moderates are exactly what's wrong with the Republican Party today. Their stated political positions place them right on with the Democrat's Party concepts.

I believe Mrs Palin supports what the Republican Philosophy once was; Small Conservative Non-Interfering Government. She supports Individual Achievement & Rewards concepts. She does not support the welfare state we as a Nation have become.

There are Two Major obstacles standing in her way of becoming President in 2012;

1; The RNC do not want her as President, She opposes every thing they represent( Not
the Conservative Principles the Republican Party was founded on). They must
be brought back to the Primary Republican Principles! This Will be an uphill
battle as most of the RNC are Career Politicians interested only in Their Own Best

2; Main Stream Media, The Liberal MSN actually prevails in your neighborhood news
paper. My local News paper in the Antelope Valley is actually quite conservative
in local news matters however; State & National news is derived from the
Associated Press News group. This provide an inreresting mix of news to say the
TV outlets are so totally Liberal Biased its not worth watching, unfortunately
this is where most citizens obtain their news information.

In conclusions I support Sara as President in 2012 or any other year for that
matter. we have no more than two years to turn the RNC around or start preparing for 2016 as the year Sara Palin can be President. I fear it will take One more devastating defeat for the RNC to come around, hopefully 2010 Congressional Races will accomplish the task.