Sunday, September 7, 2008

Presidential Race

It's been a while since my last post. The political conventions are past with some pleasant surprises. Welcome to the Nations Leadership Platform Mrs. Sara Palin. What a breath of fresh air You bring to this Campaign.

Senator Obama & his Democrat minions brought forth not one single new idea to this election process. He proposes only the same Liberal Promise this Party has for the last 60 + years; You are going to pay less in taxes & derive more Government benefits than ever before! He neglects to define How! Where the funds come from other than "We're going to soak it to the rich". He likes to pontificate "Change we can believe in" however; He has yet to define these changes in specific statements of substance beyond the soaring rhetoric of the 18 months of this campaign. It's absolutely obvious to every one that beyond his tremendous oratory excellence, there really is little substance there.

The Republican Party on the other hand has selected Senator John McCain to be their Presidential Candidate. This has been met with much dismay by Conservatives. Many conservatives were not even considering voting for him but going to other conservative Presidential Candidate options. Then a stroke of genius! Sen. McCain selected Sara Palin a relative unknown person as His running mate. Mrs. Palin appears to be conservative, Honest, & not afraid to fight against corruption in government! Most importantly she is a Washington DC outsider. She has not been bought & paid for, as almost all Congressional members are thought to be by anyone not from DC. She is a good conservative counterbalance to Sen. McCain who is perceived to be moderate at best. Sen. McCain has demonstrated a willingness to cross the Political aisle to get congress off the dime to DO SOMETHING at least. He has promise to veto pork laden bills placed before him, I believe he will.

In conclusion; With Sara Palin as John McCain's vice presidential running mate, I will support the Republican ticket. This endorsement makes the assumption that Mrs. Palin is what she appears to be, an honest, fearless, conservative candidate. I also need to state here that; I am first a conservative & a Republican second, as this used to be the Party of conservatism. We have seen what 12 years of Bush 1 & 2 Moderate Republicanism has brought about. It's time to return to conservative Ideals.

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