Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sanity in California

California's Proposition 8 Defining; in our State Constitution that a marriage is between A Male & Female Human Being Passed on Tuesday. This passage in no way discriminates against homosexual people, as they would like the rest of us to believe. They have had no rights given to others taken away.

Homosexuality is a life style preference, no different than pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, or any other deviant sexual preference. Should we as a State or Nation allow equality and special rights for these preferences too? Should we also be tolerant of these "preferences " and teach children pedophilia is acceptable behavior and they should not fear a pedophile? I do not believe so!

What is being asked by the Homosexual community is for "special privilege" being given which is inappropriate. I have no problem with homosexuality between consenting adults. They can continue this lifestyle by all means; " Its their right" given by the Constitution of The United States of America.

For those who would argue that Homosexuality is not a choice but how they are programed by DNA etc, I can only state the same is true of the other examples given above. All the examples are of Abnormal, Deviant, Species behavior as defined by evolutionary theory just to name one such authority.

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