Monday, February 23, 2009

Welcome Brave New World

It's been a while since my last blog. I have become some what discouraged, disappointed, & disgusted by resent events with the Political directions our Country is taking. We have crossed over to a totally socialized society. It has been demonstrated adequately by the following.

Our Government has just Passed & approved the most non-stimulating stimulus Bill ever. This plan accomplishes one very important objective, a greater dependence by all citizens upon our Government. Make no mistake this is just the beginning!

The Banks are in the process of becoming Nationalized, the Auto Industry is next, followed closely by the Medical industry. Once this is accomplished the economic redistribution controlled by the Government will come to pass.

What we are left with is two class of citizens, The elite Government individuals & us other common citizens. We the average citizen have allowed this to happen, we have no one else to blame.

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