Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Give UP

The realization that at lest 51% of the American population actually want a Big Brother Nanny State styled Government is overwhelming to me. We are now well on the road to totally Government controlled business, health care, education & virtually all aspects of our daily lives.

I spent much of my time the last few working years in Sweden. The Swede's have a very unique social system present. They experience essentially, Government control of even the simplest endeavors of whether to take the buss or the subway to work. There is really no choice involved, this is actually dictated by some bureaucrat.

Not a life style I look forward to; however I think the time required to accomplish a complete Marxist methodology here will surpass my remaining years, Good Luck America!

1 comment:

Joubert said...

We'll just have to keep the flame of freedom burning for future generations, Bart. Fortunately we won't be alive when Big Brother really rules.