Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sara Palin for 2012

Good morning everyone; I have just been accepted on "Palin 2012" on Hillbilly White White trash's Blog Roll supporting Sara Palin as President in 2012. Thank You Mr. Calhoun.

Sara Palin was a breath of fresh air during the last Presidential election, She was the only reason I voted Republican this time. There is no way I would have supported John McCain as president without her on the ticket. John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and all other so called moderates are exactly what's wrong with the Republican Party today. Their stated political positions place them right on with the Democrat's Party concepts.

I believe Mrs Palin supports what the Republican Philosophy once was; Small Conservative Non-Interfering Government. She supports Individual Achievement & Rewards concepts. She does not support the welfare state we as a Nation have become.

There are Two Major obstacles standing in her way of becoming President in 2012;

1; The RNC do not want her as President, She opposes every thing they represent( Not
the Conservative Principles the Republican Party was founded on). They must
be brought back to the Primary Republican Principles! This Will be an uphill
battle as most of the RNC are Career Politicians interested only in Their Own Best

2; Main Stream Media, The Liberal MSN actually prevails in your neighborhood news
paper. My local News paper in the Antelope Valley is actually quite conservative
in local news matters however; State & National news is derived from the
Associated Press News group. This provide an inreresting mix of news to say the
TV outlets are so totally Liberal Biased its not worth watching, unfortunately
this is where most citizens obtain their news information.

In conclusions I support Sara as President in 2012 or any other year for that
matter. we have no more than two years to turn the RNC around or start preparing for 2016 as the year Sara Palin can be President. I fear it will take One more devastating defeat for the RNC to come around, hopefully 2010 Congressional Races will accomplish the task.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sanity in California

California's Proposition 8 Defining; in our State Constitution that a marriage is between A Male & Female Human Being Passed on Tuesday. This passage in no way discriminates against homosexual people, as they would like the rest of us to believe. They have had no rights given to others taken away.

Homosexuality is a life style preference, no different than pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, incest, or any other deviant sexual preference. Should we as a State or Nation allow equality and special rights for these preferences too? Should we also be tolerant of these "preferences " and teach children pedophilia is acceptable behavior and they should not fear a pedophile? I do not believe so!

What is being asked by the Homosexual community is for "special privilege" being given which is inappropriate. I have no problem with homosexuality between consenting adults. They can continue this lifestyle by all means; " Its their right" given by the Constitution of The United States of America.

For those who would argue that Homosexuality is not a choice but how they are programed by DNA etc, I can only state the same is true of the other examples given above. All the examples are of Abnormal, Deviant, Species behavior as defined by evolutionary theory just to name one such authority.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


My congratulations to Senator Obama winning the Presidential race. He was very successful with his campaign. I have grave concerns about his political philosophy, but will support his endeavors as president until he attempts to bring about a Marxist democracy He appears to favor.

Every thing at this point, His words; "Spread the wealth around", his association & influence from early in life with Socialist educators & other Marxist leaning individuals leaves no doubt, at least in my mind of his Marxist Ideology!

As President he will have a majority in both houses, who also desire a much larger Government. A government that shall exercise more control of our daily actives much like European Nations currently have. This is apparently what the majority of Americans desire. This is the beginning of the end & demise of our Capitalistic Society, which has been the engine driving our rise to economic greatness & World Leader.

Many of us believe we should be more like our European neighbors, socialistic etc. Europe has had the freedom to behave as they do precisely because The USA has provided protection from their adversaries. When we become, as they are, a new world Leader ( Nation) will fill the vacuum left by us. My best guess is China will become the new Nation leading the rest of the world. We then become on of the followers rather than the Leader. So Be It.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Was I ever wrong!

On My post on Friday I Indicated No Need to vote for McCain was necessary, what a mistake! I received my sample California ballot yesterday afternoon & Guess what other than the Republican ticket, the only other " conservative?" ticket was the Libertarian ticket. Their are several Liberal Socialistic choices. So much for best laid plans.

So I am some what disgustedly back to voting the Republican ticket; this ticket is a must for any one in California who has any conservative ideals. It should be noted that McCain is only marginally better than Obama. Sara Palin is the only salvation to the Republican Party's ticket this year!

In my opinion the members of Government of this great country are totally corrupt & out of touch with American ideals & concepts as defined by our founding fathers. Congress is filed with Big Government advocates regardless of party affiliation! Gone is the concept of individual service in government as a duty to ones country; it has been replaced by a creature known as a "Professional Career Politician". These people are elitist to the fullest possible extent by necessity. Their survival depends upon us Citizens of this country accepting and believing this.

The most recent example of this Corruption & Incompetence is the Wall Street Bailout. Not that it happened ( it became necessary) but the cavalier manner in which it was conducted! Their are several congressional people who are guilty of malfeasance in office at the least, including one of our presidential candidates. Make no mistake Congress orchestrated in collusion with Wall Street's greed for the Banking & housing markets to collapse. Many wall street executives should be facing prison sentences rather than the gigantic financial rewards they have reaped. I'll make you a bet "IT WON"T HAPPEN".

Friday, October 17, 2008

Debates completed; So What?

The three debates are finished thank goodness. How anyone would expect deriving any detailed information from them "90 second soundbites" escapes me. People supporting Obama or McCain still are based upon these spectacles. I don't seriously believe any independent or undecided voters were swayed by these debates. You could characterize the performances this way Obama won on style & oratory talent & McCain at least held his own against a handsomer younger charismatic opponent. All this equals zero value.

About the only thing with any certainty to come out between these two candidates is Obama will raise taxes on all wage earners regardless of how highly paid they are. McCain will continue attempting to keep the existing tax rates in place but will fail in the effort.

I have stated in previous post McCain is a moderate Senator at best, on most things he is quite liberal. He does display a conservative nature on
things when it is a budget orientated item. Obama is a large Government Tax & Spend Bureaucrat with the most liberal position in the Senate today. What more do you need to know?

I live in California & am a registered Republican (this party's supposedly Conservative) so they garnered my support on that basis.I do not believe this is true any more. My support waivers; not that I would support the Democrat Party & their philosophy in any manner. Being a California resident allows me freedoms that others in closely contested States just do not have.

California will be a democrat State this year as usual. I can therefore vote for a Candidate from the Libertarian or Constitution Parties. You can argue this is a throw away vote, not so in California; it's going to the Democrats anyway. What this does is send a message to the Republican Party get back to your conservative base, or it's bye bye from me and many others for ever!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Presidential Race

It's been a while since my last post. The political conventions are past with some pleasant surprises. Welcome to the Nations Leadership Platform Mrs. Sara Palin. What a breath of fresh air You bring to this Campaign.

Senator Obama & his Democrat minions brought forth not one single new idea to this election process. He proposes only the same Liberal Promise this Party has for the last 60 + years; You are going to pay less in taxes & derive more Government benefits than ever before! He neglects to define How! Where the funds come from other than "We're going to soak it to the rich". He likes to pontificate "Change we can believe in" however; He has yet to define these changes in specific statements of substance beyond the soaring rhetoric of the 18 months of this campaign. It's absolutely obvious to every one that beyond his tremendous oratory excellence, there really is little substance there.

The Republican Party on the other hand has selected Senator John McCain to be their Presidential Candidate. This has been met with much dismay by Conservatives. Many conservatives were not even considering voting for him but going to other conservative Presidential Candidate options. Then a stroke of genius! Sen. McCain selected Sara Palin a relative unknown person as His running mate. Mrs. Palin appears to be conservative, Honest, & not afraid to fight against corruption in government! Most importantly she is a Washington DC outsider. She has not been bought & paid for, as almost all Congressional members are thought to be by anyone not from DC. She is a good conservative counterbalance to Sen. McCain who is perceived to be moderate at best. Sen. McCain has demonstrated a willingness to cross the Political aisle to get congress off the dime to DO SOMETHING at least. He has promise to veto pork laden bills placed before him, I believe he will.

In conclusion; With Sara Palin as John McCain's vice presidential running mate, I will support the Republican ticket. This endorsement makes the assumption that Mrs. Palin is what she appears to be, an honest, fearless, conservative candidate. I also need to state here that; I am first a conservative & a Republican second, as this used to be the Party of conservatism. We have seen what 12 years of Bush 1 & 2 Moderate Republicanism has brought about. It's time to return to conservative Ideals.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Thoughts

Incumbent is a dirty word. On your voting ballot in November, DO NOT VOTE for ANY CANDIDATE with INCUMBENT ATTACHED to THEIR NAME. It makes no difference the Party affiliation, Republican, Democrat, Independent, or other 3rd. Party. The only way to change the Congress " Elected Members" mind set & total lack of respect for us common citizens, is the fear we just might reject them at the next election! VOTE THEM OUT! If you are happy with a bunch people with a job approval rating around 10% just vote for the incumbents! Question! would your employer keep you, if your effectively rating was this low, I think not. You would be terminated!

Immigration Reform;
There is not much being said about immigration during this election period by the major media or the Candidates themselves. I wounder Why? Do you suppose that both Presidential Candidates favor an Amnesty Plan but do not wish it to become common Knowledge? The News Media should Pursue this information,But; will they? I think Not.

Liberal or Conservative;
Do we have a conservative presidential candidate in 2008? Senator Obama is definitely of the Liberal Persuasion, while Senator pretends to be of the Conservative Cloth. Reviewing Both Senator's records demonstrates Obama is definitely liberal, undoubtedly the most liberal member of the Senate ever. McCain likes to claim a conservative position However; His Senate record does not support this claim, He is slightly moderate at best. So in conclusion we have 2 generally liberal candidates running for President no conservative present.

Founding Fathers;
Our Founding Fathers were a group of brilliant men who devised by far the greatest form of Government ever. They actually envisioned many changes brought about through advanced technology, perhaps not to the extent we have advanced to, but the Constitution & Bill of Rights have withstood these tests of time. What they Did Not Plan or Account for is a new breed of individual called Professional politicians! Modern Politicians are a group unto themselves, whose only objective is to be re-elected to office. There is only token acknowledgment to the constituents who elected them to office in the first place. Again beware of the word incumbent!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Choices, Choices, and More Choices

We have some choices to make in the 2008 Presidential Race. WE can elect the Democrat candidate Senator Obama, Senator McCain the Republican candidate, or some Third Party Candidate. It would appear that 3rd. Party candidates are long shots at becoming President. This leaves the other two choices, Obama or McCain as the probable victor. The Question remains how are they different or alike?

I think your choice will be pretty much determined by by what & how You view Government in our society. Let's review their records in public service. This should give us some insight into how each would govern.

Senator Obama; if one reviews his limited record as a United Senator, what becomes obvious is, He is the most liberal person there. He consistently supports larger Government, with more government control in all matters, domestic & privet, in simple terms more intrusion in your every day activities. His stated tax policies should frighten all citizens of this country "rich & poor". His record in the Illinois State Government if anything is even further to the left than as a US Senator. Look at his record, is this who you want for President?

Senator McCain; has a more extensive public office record to examine. Sen. McCain prides himself on being called a Maverick Senator. What exactly does that mean to me? It means that his position on many issues were based on stifling Conservative values, as a means of getting even with people who did not support him for president in 2000. It actually goes deeper than that since this behavior started well before 2000. McCain has a mean streak which shows up quite often, especially when he perceives a slight to what he desires. The straight talk express is a laugh, I've been around long enough to remember the Lincon Savings & Loan skulduggery. More reticently his amnesty positions etc. Look at his record then decide is this the person you want for President?

TO come to a conclusion! I Suspect Senator Obama will be our next President. This is not a choice I personally favor, that said I hope all of us look closely at our Congress People during this election period. This Congress has less than a 10% approval rating, "HOW DISMAL", I will expound on some of our choices there in another post.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Border Fencing & Illegal Immigration

My last post was just for fun; not on important issues facing us in the next several months. Today's post is on an important subject I've not addressed recently. Illegal Immigration!! We as a Nation are again working on the Border Fence between us & Mexico to deter Illegal Migration here. I believe this fence will do little more than employee several hundred workers at present. My reasoning is as follows.

This fence most likely slow down the influx of humanity to this Country somewhat! The fence by it's self will not stop this migration. Why, you might ask? IF for no other reason, We have not stopped why they are migrating here; Employment. The fence only increases the difficulty of coming here. Other measures are required along with the fence to stop it.

As a Nation our Government must enforce our laws especially ones that include Immigration; The Government is not doing the job in this area; they apparently are not concerned by this influx of Illegal Migrants. Some potential steps towards solving this crisis.

First make it economically not cost effective for employers to hire illegal persons; this current is not the case.

Second stop the financial drain on every legal citizen of this country by not allowing the free medical, school, and welfare services available to all who apply. This is costing every legal citizen, Naturalized & Native Born, Billions of dollars every year which could be put to use instead for legitimate social services.

This! bye the way will not require an additional influx of new Laws & Regulations. Will it require revisiting & updating current laws & Reg's, it certainly shall. Our Government isn't going to begin this task without our forcing the issue.

The first step should be accomplished by substantial 1st. time fines, increased with each repeat offense. Repeat offenders should be prison candidates, whether individuals or corporate officers. It shouldn't take long for the jobs these individuals are migrating here for to dry up & be filled by true citizens.

Many readers will think this is harsh, maybe so; but the alternative is National Bankruptcy, which I do believe most would like even less.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Time - Hooray!

Wow, It's been about two weeks since my last post. It's been quite cold here on the high deserts of California. I haven't had much time for computer things like Blogging, too many honey-do things going on & I'm tired of the FAB Three Presidential Hopefuls Blather. Lina my wife & I are preparing for several trips away from home this spring & summer. Looks like it should be fun.

Trip #1 - A short trip about 3 to 4 Days over to the Ocean somewhere between Ventura and Santa Barbabra, which is about 2 hours away. We will use this trip to remember how to travel in our RV.

Trip #2 - Up to northern California to our Granddaughter's wedding in May. WE will be close to Shasta Lake & plan on spending several Days fishing & relaxing, before we head over to Priest River, Idaho to visit friends & yeah more fishing. From there we will return home through Northern Nevada, visit with a daughter & her family before heading home through Las Vegas.

Trip #3 Yet to be determined! certainly hope it will be fun also, perhaps a group trip with good Friends.

I'm relaxed now this post certainly was easier & more pleasant to post, than the last several post centered around many important things occurring in Our Great Country. My
only conserns at present are centered around weather We as a Nation can begin returning to more conservative positions.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Presidential Choices

It would appear we are going to elect one of three candidates for President of the United States of America. All three are somewhat alike but uniquely different. Two are democrats, or is this a correct assumption? The following is my assessment.

Senator Obama; He is a Democrat who happens to be black. Over the last several days he has faced a crisis in his candidacy for president, namely the Reverend Jeremiah Wright; his philosophy and comments for the last 20 years or so, and more importantly what's the Reverends influence on Senator Obama. The Senator has slid by during this primary race using very creative & tremendous oratory talent with virtually zero substance being presented. We as a voting public know very little about His philosophy. What change does he envision for America and how does He plan to implement these changes? Remember He has very limited Government experience. We will know shortly whether he becomes the Democrats Nominee for President or not.

Senator Clinton; She is a Democrat who happens to be the only Woman Candidate. We the voting public pretty well know where and what She stands for. I find it very interesting of her claims to vast experience on how to manage the executive office. My wife accompanied me on several business meetings in distant Cities & Countries prior to my Retirement. Can we extrapolate She has great business acumen based on these trips? I think not! Her presence on these trips neither added nor took away from the business at hand. More importantly we have observed first hand Her management acumen during Bill Clinton's first Presidential Term. Do you remember the universal health care package management? I do & I wasn't impressed.

Senator McCain; He is a Republican? Well he has at least won the nomination of the Republican Party for President of the United States of America. If one reviews the Senators public record, most would question his Republican credentials! He likes to be described as a maverick Politically, which should be examined carefully. What does that label mean to Him? How does he vote on critical issues, Amnesty for example; He co-sponsored the amnesty bill with Sen. Kennedy! Yes! I have heard HIS Recent statements about his past record & recently changed positions; this coming from a Person who wants to be elected as President. I have heard reference to his legendary temper & vindictiveness towards those who have had the audacity to oppose His wishes. That my friends is any one who considers themselves a Conservative. We have also heard claims to His superior military management experience. I gratefully thank Senator McCain for his sacrifices and military service to our Nation & do not wish to denigrate it. However;That being said, was actually as a fighter plane pilot. This does not require any Strategic planing what so ever, so much for being better prepared to be commander in chief.

Of the three Liberal Candidates, there is little to choose from! I am gravely unhappy with all of them. Presumably McCain would be fiscally more conservative than either of the True Democrats Candidates with their Tax & Spend Philosophy. You could hope for better Supreme Court nominees from McCain than either Obama 0r Clinton. As for any of them being better prepared to be Commander in Chief on day one are greatly exaggerated! The choice remains Yours, My only request of you is to vote your intellect & not by the eloquence of the speaker presenting their cause.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Who for President?

The Republican Party has selected John McCain as their Presidential Candidate, Huckabee's not dropping out of the race at this point is amusing. He can not obtain enough delegates to be nominated. Ron Paul was never a serious candidate to begin with.

The Democrats Still have two potential nominees remaining; Clinton & Obama. I predict Obama will be the winner as the Democrat party's nominee. No matter which candidate is successful; I really do not think either would be a good president if they remain true to the core beliefs they have stated.

Having said the above I think conservatives really have no choice other than John McCain. I'm not impressed by him but; I believe he will be closer to conservative Ideals than either Democrat Presidential Candidate. J. McCain professes belief in the core Republican Platforms. This alone places him ahead of the other two, who claim the socialist position on every issue discussed.

In the end every one needs to vote their conscience, I can only hope it's for conservatism.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I've been convinced; vote for Mitt.

I have rather conservative views on most things especially; government size, fiscal responsibilities, & a strong belief we Americans need to be more self reliant in all things. That being said several fellow bloggers have convinced me that conservatives need to support some one other than allowing the democrats the 08 presidential election by default.Most convincing have been; Patrick Conlon & Lemuel Calhoon in their post & follow up comments to me.

All though far from perfect if one reviews their overall performances " Mitt Romney & John Mc Cain" Romney is less of a risk based on their records than McCain. My reasoning is as follows.

John McCain has consistantly behaved more in the LiberalDemocrat party mold than any Republican party's conservative position. I will not comment more beyond the Amnesty bill, Finegold McCain bill, the Bush tax cut (He did not support for the wrong reasons). If you need more data look up his record, you might be suprised by what you read.

Mitt Romney is much more liberal in his professed views than I prefer, I think he is somewhat more liberal than President Bush, & I think we all know what a disasterous mixed effort he has put forth. Mitt does have some favorable elements going for him. He has a proven record as a good businessman, He has an acceptable record as governor of Mass. a very liberal state, He does appear soft on most social issues (no body's perfect) but overall better than McCain.

I there for encourage any one reading this post; Vote for Mitt as I have been convinced to.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fred has given up & dropped out of the Presidential race. It's a sad day for America. He and Duncan Hunter were the only true conservatives in the race. What to do? I will have a very difficult time supporting any of the remaining candidates. Here are a couple of suggestions ;

1) Support the surviving Republican Presidential candidate in a loosing contest to the eventual democrat party's candidate. There is no way we can or should try to out liberal, the liberal parties policy's.

2) Wright in your own name in as your presidential choice in both the primary & general election. This action will send a clear message to the RNC we are tired of having to support the
"lesser of two evils" type of candidates.

We conservative Republicans need to start a national campaign to use the wright in option for President on our ballots in 08. By using this ballot option it sends a clear message to potential national office seekers; Liberals need not apply because we the Republican Party will not support you. The present administration is a prime example of how liberalisn does not work.