Monday, October 18, 2010


The American Public have a serious problem as I see it.

We have the Washington D.C Elitist generally known as the United States Federal Government & Bureaucrats Vs the rest of us who pay the bills known as taxes.

Whether called a Democrat, Republican or any other Political Party, I'm refering to what in modern times is a Career Politician. These individuals have one purpose only; that is to be reelected to office, while furthering their power, influence, position, at the expense of all other things. Are there a few honest people in D. C. , undoubtedly! The question becomes at what point do they also become corrupted by the system? You can virtually be certain that at some point it happens ! It's absolutely certain by the 3rd or 4th term in office It's happened.

What can be done to correct this problem; several things which will take some diligence by the American Citizens to take corrective actions.

A) Vote Incumbents out of office before they become entrenched, Senator Edward Kennedy comes to mind!

B) Carefully review each Candidates qualifications & Voting Track Record. No Politician can get to the National level with out some record to review. even in private business a track record of their actions is there to see, select wisely.

C) Stay vigilant, corruption creeps slowly, is ever present. My personal preference is to elect fisically conservative Candidates to office. This does not mean necessarily the Republican or Libertarian ; though this is generally true

D) We really need to begin these changes starting this November 2nd..

E) Long term corrections are needed; Limit the term of office throughout Government, change term lengths if appropriate, Change our government doing as they wish instead of what we wish.
The recent bailouts , Auto, Banking, Health Care to name just a few. To borrow from Oboma ; "change we can believe in " "yes we can" return this Government to true reprensation of We The People.

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