Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Political parties?

We here in America actually have only one major political Party, It's known as the Political Elitist who are already elected in the Federal Government & reside in Washington DC. There are two factions in this Party described as Democrats & Republicans. To be fair there are several minor political parties such as the American Independent, the Green Party, the Constitution Party, the Libertarian Party, to to name the most widely known other political parties. The election process Favors the 1st two Political Factions. All the other Parties are really just window dressing.

When we study how the supposedly Parties of opposition operate, we find that the end result of their actions result in the very same thing, more government control over all Citizens daily activities. Makes no difference Democrat or Republican the end result is the same " All Citizens become more indentured to the federal Government".

We are loosing more freedom, independence & the ability to conduct every day activities without Government interference daily. There is hope in the upcoming November elections that Several outsiders do get elected & will faithfully represent their Constituencies.

Can we as a Nation rein in the Elitist DC crowd , Yes we can! can we do it in total in one election NO! But November is the starting point.

Remember Incumbent is a Dirty word,

Vote the rascals Out, start over with New Members of Congress & only allow them one to two Terms of Office!!
Remember to be a member in the Government , Local, State or Federal is a "Civic Duty" Not a Career Position as defined in the Constitution!!

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